Page 70 - Blätterkatalog 418 NEU 20161006 LW A
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4 9 Dirham 9 H, al-Andalus, three varieties, all with the name Tamlîh below obv. and 'Âmir below rev., two without mark above obv., one with a dot, the rst with a large dot above the rev., the second and third with a lily above rev. 3,18 g, 2,41 g, ,06 g. Frochoso Sanchez 7, 5 var.; Miles o, z, gg. 3 coins Very ne and extremely ne
4 0 Dirham 9 H, al-Andalus, two varieties, both with the name 'Abd al-Malik ibn 'Îsa ibn Sa‘îd, the sâhid as- sikka below obv. and al-hâjib / 'Abd al-Malik (ibn Muhammad ibn Abî-Âmir) above and below rev., one with a leaf, the other without mark above obv. ,78 and , 4 g. Frochoso Sanchez (5 )/8, var.; Miles 4 t, f.
2 coins the second with typical Spanish double holes, very ne
4 Dirham 94 H, al-Andalus, with the name 'Abd al-Malik ibn 'Îsa ibn Sa‘îd, the sâhid as-sikka below obv. and al-hâjib / 'Abd al-Malik (ibn Muhammad ibn Abî-Âmir) above and below rev. Frochoso Sanchez ; Miles 6 m. ,99 g. Very ne
4 Dirham 95 H, al-Andalus, three varieties, all with the name 'Abd al-Malik ibn 'Îsâ ibn Sa‘îd, the sâhib as-sikka below obv. and al-hâjib / 'Abd al-Malik (ibn Muhammad ibn Abî-‘Âmir) above and below reverse, the rst with three annulets above obv. eld, the other without mark above obv. 3,27 g, 2,18 g, 2,22 g. Frochoso Sanchez 8, 9, 15; Miles 8 g, c ( ). 3 coins Very ne and better
4 4 4 4 5
4 mUhammad ii al-mahdî Billâh, 399-400 h/1009 ad. Dirham 99 H, al-Andalus, with the name Jahwar below the obv. eld and only the caliphal name in the rev. eld with a drop above and below. Frochoso Sanchez 50; Miles 340 t. ,8 g. Typical Spanish double holes, very ne
4 4 Dirham 400 H, al-Andalus, with the name Muhammad below the obv. eld and two drops above obv. eld. Frochoso Sanchez 4; Miles 4 y. ,04 g. Very ne
4 5 sUlaymân, 400 h/1009 ad, with mUhammad as heir aPParent. Dirham 400 H, Madînat az-zahrâ, with the name Ibn Shuhayd below and two drops above obv. eld. Frochoso Sanchez 20; Miles 343 e. 3,25 g.
Square piercing in the centre of coin, very ne
4 6 sUlaymân, 400 h/1009 ad, alone. Dirham 400 H, al-Andalus, two varieties, both with the name Ibn Maslama below obv. eld, one with two drops above obv. eld. 3,66 and 2,45 g. Frochoso Sanchez 59, 64; Miles 342 uu, mm.
75,-- 50,--
50,-- 00,--
75,-- 00,--
2 coins The second with a square piercing in margin, very ne
NaSRIdS Of GRaNada
4 8
4 7 yûsUf i, 733-755 h/1332-1354 ad. Dobla no date and mint (Granada). Kind 987 pl. III no. (this coin); Roriguez Lorente 8; Vives 67 var. (benediction for ruler arranged ayyadahu / llâh in the last two rev. lines). 4,64 g.
GOLD Very rare Extremely ne
4 8 'alî iBn sa‘d, 866-887 h/1461-1482 and 1483-1486 ad. Dobla no date, Madînat Gharnata. Qur‘ânic quotation in square, indication of mint around. Rev. Name of ruler with patronyms in eight generations, margin the Nasrid ‚alâma „lâ ghâlib illâ ll^h“ four times repeated. Kind 1987 pl. III no. 24 (this coin); Rodriguez Lorente 31 pl. 26; Taw q Ibrahim and Alberto Canto, Moneda no. 4 ; Vives 8 . 4,6 g. GOLD Very rare Extremely ne
4 7
4.000,-- 69