Page 64 - Blätterkatalog 418 NEU 20161006 LW A
P. 64

  60 Dirham 205 H, al-Andalus,  ve annulets in obv. margin. Miles 96 a. 2,56 g. Extremely crude style, typical for period, very  ne
  6  'aBd ar-rahmân ii, 206-238 h/822-852 ad. Dirham 213 H, al-Andalus, with  ve annulets in obv. margin, mint mark
50,-- 75,--
 00,-- 75,--  00,--
75,--  00,--
75,-- 75,--
 00,-- 6 
nûn above third line, rev. three dots below rev.  eld. Miles 104 a. 2,24 g.
Very  ne
  6  Dirham   9 H, al-Andalus, with double dots six or seven times in obv. margin and the fully written name
of the minter Yahyâ above the third line, rev. dot below  eld. Miles 110 b. 2,30 g. Rare variety Very  ne   6  Dirham 220 H, al-Andalus, with  ve dotted annulets in obv. margin and the name Yahyâ above the third line, rev. dot
below  eld. Miles 111 c. 2,66 g. Very  ne
  64 Dirham 221 H, al-Andalus, with  ve annulets in margin and mint mark twig above the third line, rev. with and without three dots below the  eld. 2,69 and 2,67 g. Miles 112 d. 2 varieties Both very  ne
  65 Dirham 222 and 224 H, al-Andalus, with  ve dotted annulets in obv. margin, marks above the third line V (222 H) and a dot, rev. three dots in a line below the  eld in 222 H and a dot above and below the  eld in 224 H. 2,31 and 2,62 g. Miles   4 c,   6 b. 2 coins Both very  ne
  66   67
  66 Dirham 227 H, al-Andalus, with  ve dotted annulets in obv. margin and a dot above the third line, rev. a dot above and below the  eld. Miles 119 b. 2,63 g. Very crude style, but well struck, very  ne
  67 Dirham 229 H, al-Andalus, style B, with anuletts above and below obv.  eld, rev. three dots above and an eight-pointed star below the  eld. Miles 121 h var. 2,73 g. Extremely  ne
Acquired Münzen und Medaillen AG, Basel,  986.
  68 Dirham 229 and (230) H, al-Andalus, style B, the  rst without marks, the second with three annulets above and the name Muhiyy below obv.  eld. 2,18 and 2,15 g. Miles 121 e, 122 h.
2 coins The  rst slightly clipped, the second a large fragment, very  ne
  69 Dirham 231 H, al-Andalus, style B, with the word lillâh below the obv.  eld. Together with this a second specimen of different dies, slightly clipped and with a hole in the centre.  ,44 and  ,0  g. Miles     a. 2 coins Very  ne
Acquired in our aucion April  00 , lot 49 .
  70 Dirham 2313 and 235 H, al-Andalus, style B, the second with the mint mark ‚ayn below the obv.  eld. 2,10 and 2,44 g. Miles   5 b,   7 c. 2 coins Very  ne

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